Intel processors use letters at the end of their name like “T” and “K” to tell you what type of use they are intended for.


Intel CPU’s with No Letters At The End

Most Intel CPU chips have no letters which indicates they are the standard processors intended for normal desktop use.

What Does The “F” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

“F” chips have no integrated video so the computer will require a separate video card. Intel “F” processors are most common in the highest performing CPU’s because they know gamers and high end workstation users will need better graphics capability than Intel can integrate into their CPU.

What Does The “G” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

When you see an Intel CPU with a “G” it means the chip has a powerful built-in graphics processor. Nearly all consumer directed Intel CPU’s have basic built-in graphics processors so you don’t need to buy a separate video card, but the “G” designation means it should be capable of playing some 3D games. the G’s range from G1 (oldest) to G7 (newest) but we don’t think Intel is using this designation any more because of their Intel Iris and Iris xe graphic designation has taken over.

What Does The “K” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

Intel chips with a “K” are “unlocked” allowing games to “overclock” them and rung them at higher speeds than they are officially specd for. Compared to Intel CPU’s without a “K”, they are the fastest in that line of chips. For example a i7-12700K would faster than an Intel i7-2700 which is faster than a i7-2700U

What Does The “H” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

“H” processors are designed to be the highest performing chips for mobile systems like laptops and tablets. Intel also had a “HQ” designation meaning the chip had 4 (quad) cores, but they no longer use this designation.

What Does The “M” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

“M” processors are designed mobile. Intel no longer uses this designation.

What Does The “P” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

“P” series processors are the performance CPU’s for laptops and tablets. The “P” are what most people and companies will want on their laptops. The U series are best for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and ultra light, low power, low demand executive laptops.

intel cpu lettering

What Does The “S” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

Intel processors with an “S” indicate they are special edition chips that consume less power than the normal CPU equivalent but have just a tiny drop in performance. This is good for battery life of mobile devices. There are not many chips with the S designation.

What Does The “T” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

The “T” means the chips is designed to use less power while also having less performance than the standard desktop focused chips without any letters.

What Does The “U” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

Intel “U” chips are “ultra low power” so they are most commonly used in mobile devices like tablets and laptops where heat, size and power consumption are issues. “U” chips are more expensive than other chips but still provide good performance.

What Does The “X” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

Intel “X” chips are the highest performing chips. They are “extreme” chips which are unlocked like “K” chips. They are often the most expensive chips and are usually used by gamers and high end workstation computers.

What Does The “Y” Stand For In an Intel Processor Name?

“Y” chips consume the least power of all Intel processors and are most commonly used in executive laptops where battery life is most important.


1 Comment

ChongJanek · June 28, 2024 at 2:45 am

That is what those damn letters mean. Thanks man. I can now almost read and Intel CPU name and understand WTF it means!

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