We recently replaced a Bobsweep Pethair with a Kyvol Cybovac e31 which is very similar to the other Kyvol robot vacuums like the e20 and e30.
We demonstrate how easy it is to setup the Kyvol Cybovac and how to download and use the Kyvol app.
Lets starts with the full unboxing, setup and review of the Kyvol e31 Cybovac
In this video we explain how to setup the Kyvol app to work with a Google Home or Alexa which gives you the ability to control the Kyvoc robovac using your voice:
Here is what all of the buttons and sensors are on the Kyvol e31

1 Comment
Tanzeel · September 8, 2022 at 4:21 am
Super helpful review of the Kyvol CyboVac