We recently sourced many Dell 5490 laptops, tossed the SATA connected spinning disk and replaced them with M.2 PCIe connected Toshiba RC100 SSD’s and all was well for testing. In production however we found that the laptops would periodically blue screen and upon reboot or power up, they would go to a black screen displaying NO BOOT DEVICE FOUND, PRESS F1 F2 OR F5.
This is annoying and so after a few weeks of working with Dell support we gave up and replaced the M.2 PCIe connected
Toshiba RC100 SSD’s with SATA connected Crucial SSD’s and the problems went away.
In the end we just used Easus ToDo Backup to clone the M.2 disk to the SATA disk and all was well. No data was lost and no problems were discovered.
mohamed anes · January 10, 2025 at 1:17 pm
I have a problem with my computer. This black screen appeared. What is the solution?
Ian Matthews · January 12, 2025 at 1:39 pm
It sounds like it might be this dell black screen problem. If you want more assistance, we will need much more information. What happened before it failed? What make and model is it? Are there any other issues (noises, beep codes…)