Veeam is an excellent product to back up virtual machines but its original incarnation did not readily support backup to external disk or cloud storage. Both of these items have been resolved and today Veeam Cloud Connect is now included with every version of Veeam 9.0 or higher WITHOUT ADDITIONAL LICENCING OR COST.
When Veeam Cloud Connect started in about 2014, cloud storage providers were charging USD $.32/GB. The price has plummeted to less than CDN $.10/GB.
Strangely, I have not found a single US based Cloud Connect Partner that is less expensive than the majority of Canadian Cloud Connect Partners. Two companies, ThinkOn (which claims to be Veeams largest Canadian Cloud Partner) and Whipcord both provide pricing in the CDN $.07 range. At current exchange rates that makes it about USD$.055. Companies like PheonixNAP and NewCloud came in at more than CDN$.14/GB. Of course they will negotiate a lower rate, but why not just select the provider with solid service and low rates.
You will be told that there are great differences in the services offered between providers but thus far I have not found any notable differences. It should not come a shock that cloud storage has now become a commodity.
Below is a grid of my analysis which I hope you find useful (click to enlarge). If you want the Excel file so you can add on your own content, you can download it from us HERE.
To find service providers see .
You may have noticed that I did not test all of these providers. This is because I was not trying to perform a full review of Veeam Cloud Connect but simply find a solid cost effective vendor.
I was particularly frustrated with HostBiz because I called repeatedly at different times of the business day but always ended up in the sales persons voicemail. When I am trying to give you money, you need to answer the phone. I can only assume that their service would be subpar, so I gave up on them.
I ended up selecting Whipcord because they were friendly, competive on price, responsive and are Alberta based (although they maintain sales and some services in Toronto and Vancouver).
If you are familiar with Veeam Cloud Connect you are likely aware that it can easily be used to create disaster recovery sites. Cloud Connect providers can usually restore your VM’s and run them on THEIR infrastructure. This is not something I was interested in, but you might be. For more information see the video below:
1 Comment
Abi · October 13, 2016 at 8:06 am
THANK YOU.I was having a few issues with this but managed to sort it out with this
Great video, will be following in future, your guides are great!!!