If you are the manager of a company, you may have a time when you need to review what your staff are doing.  If you are using Hosted Exchange and you are an administrator the process to give yourself permission to read (or move or delete…) your subordinates email is actually pretty easy:

First you need to give yourself FULL ACCESS PERMISSION:

  1. login to the Exchange Control Panel at https://pod51035.outlook.com/ecp/  (if this does not work for you just log into http://mail.office365.com and then change the letters OWA to ECP and delete EVERYTHING after it)
  2. click RECIPIENTS
  3. double click on the new person
  5. scroll to the very bottom, click the + and add yourself in the FULL ACCESS box

Now you may ask… ok, I have permission, how do I get in:

  1. login to Webmail at mail.office365.com using your account
  2. click your name (to right corner)
  3. click OPEN ANOTHER MAIL BOX and type in the first few letters of the staffer
  4. have a nice day!

1 Comment

nathaniel · August 1, 2017 at 8:43 am

thats okay

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