The End Of Android

The Future of Android is Harmony

If you have not heard of Harmony it is a renaming of Huawei’s Linux based operating system that will replace Android on Chinese made products to comply with both the Chinese Government demands and US President Trumps banning of the export of Android. In previous internal iterations Harmony was named […]


SOLVED: Samsung S9 – What’s New For People Upgrading From Older Android Cells?

We have produced four videos exploring the changes the Samsung S9 brings to people that are upgrading from older Android cell’s, like the Galaxy S7, LG G5, Sony Expedia,…  The idea is that we are not covering every microscopic detail of the device just because it was changed from the S8; we are explaining and demonstrating the features that most people will or should care about that already have some understanding of Android.

In my case I am upgrading from an S6 to an S9 and there are a lot of useful features that are easy to miss in the S9.

1: Samsung S9 Hardware

This includes a brief explanation of Bixby, Memory Expansion, Headphone jack, Wireless Fast Charging, Gorilla Glass 5, Edge Alerts, Screen Size and much more.

2: Samsung S9 Security
