
SOLVED: What is NIC Teaming Doing & Does Link Aggregation Really Improve Performance?

When I started working NIC Teaming I thought that “link aggregating” two NIC’s would double my throughput and while that is possible, it is not likely and here is why.

When you link aggregate or Team Network cards using the common standards of the last decade, each NIC will still only connect to one system at its maximum speed (often 1GB).  Teaming / Link Aggregation lets that same server connect to a second system (say another server or a desktop PC) at it’s maximum speed (often 1GB).  So, if you have a single 10GB connection on SERVER A, and SERVER B has two 1GB teamed NIC’s, those two servers will only talk at a 1GB maximum.  The two 1GB NIC’s on SERVER B will not double the throughput to 2Gb.




Crytojacking may sound like a method of extorting money by encrypting files against someones will and then charging them for the decryption key.  However it is not. Cryptojacking is using unsuspecting peoples devices to cyrptomine (compute solutions to make new cryptocurrency), like Bitcoin. Can Cells and Tablets be CryptoJacked? When Read more…