Windows Server

SOLVED: What are RAID 10 and RAID 50 in Simple Terms

To understand RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) 10 and RAID 50 you need to have a basic understanding of RAID…

9 years ago

SOLVED: Hyper-V Move To Server 2012 – Failed to Establish A Connection Because Of An Unsupported Protocol Version (Protocol Version 5.0)

If you MOVE a Hyper-V Virtual Machine to Server 2012 R2 host and you want to move it back, you…

9 years ago

SOLVED: How to Disable the STORE App in Windows 10

May 20th 2016 UPDATE: We have a solution to disabling the STORE in Windows 10 Pro using a Group Policy…

9 years ago

SOLVED: What are Containers In Windows Server 2016

The shortest description I can come with is, Containers are deduplication for Virtual Machines.   In other words, Containers is the term…

10 years ago

SOLVED: What are Nonroutable IP Addresses?

Nonroutable IP addresses are the IP's that are typically used inside a LOCAL Area Network (i.e. your home or office) and cannot…

10 years ago

SOLVED: How to Modify the BIOS of a Dell PowerEdge Server Using OpenManage Server Administrator

If you are like me and just inserted a new NIC into your Dell PowerEdge server and found that the…

10 years ago

SOLVED: How To Start Settings App From Command Line in Windows 10

UPDATE JANUARY 10, 2020: Some of these no longer function, so we have a a complete list of ways to…

10 years ago

SOLVED: How To MOVE Files Based On Their Age using RoboCopy

Below is a script of how to MOVE files to a folder based on their age: ROBOCOPY <source> <destination> /MOVE /E…

10 years ago

SOLVED: Command Line Batch To Delete Files Based on Their Age

I needed to be able to delete files left on an FTP server I run that are older than two…

10 years ago

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