Business & Tech News
Business and Technology news of the day
Business and Technology news of the day
By Kevin McLaughlin, CMP Channel 6:43 PM EST Fri. Jan. 11, 2008 Windows Server 2008 is now close enough to being released to manufacturing that it’s unlikely Microsoft (NSDQ:MSFT) will issue a third release candidate for the long awaited OS, according to a source close to the company. Windows Server Read more…
From,1895,2228177,00.asp?sp=0&kc=HOTTOPICS120507STR1 …With regard to Hyper-V, Microsoft’s hypervisor product that is expected to ship within 180 days of the release of the server, Landes gave no update. Windows Server 2008 RC1 brings with it enhancements to Group Policy through Group Policy Preferences, formerly known as PolicyMaker Standard Edition and Policy Read more…
From Eweek,1895,2215400,00.asp Microsoft will release eight versions of Windows Server 2008 when it ships in late February 2008, three of which will include its hypervisor technology, Hyper-V. The Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter versions of Windows Server 2008 will be offered with and without Hyper-V, both in 32-bit and 64-bit Read more…
Even though Toshiba sold over 90,000 $99 HD DVD players over the weekend, and that figure only represents a portion of the retailers that participated in the frenzy, I don’t think it is enough. The answer: you shouldn’t. My prediction is that neither format will win. If consumers actually adopt Read more…
Sorry this is not IT related but I thought it might be fun. Rush’s new album is called “Snakes & Arrows” and you can listen to the new single . World wide tour dates have been announced and they are coming to my town!!! I am sooooooo in! Nelly Read more…
By Ed Oswald, The Nintendo Wii continues to be a consumer favorite, according to sales data for January released by the NPD Group Wednesday. Meanwhile, the aging PlayStation 2 edged out the Xbox 360 for the number two spot. Nintendo’s next-generation console remains a big hit, selling some 436,000 Read more…
Well, its gone… sort of: Under Office 2003 and older you could download an “Office Resource Kit” which allowed yout to customize your office install. Under office 2007 you can’t download it and you can’t buy it! The usefull part of the kit has been cleaverly renamed OCT “Office Customization Read more…
By Ed Oswald, January 29, 2007, 3:02 PM Microsoft has given the go ahead for users to buy the low-cost OEM copies of Windows Vista now appearing on sites like; however, they would be expected to adhere to the licensing terms just like any other computer manufacturer. This Read more…
Why should you care? Because Office Home is WAAAAY cheaper than other versions at about US$160 CDN$190. Do I need to have a student in my household in order to qualify to purchase and use Office Home and Student 2007? No. Are there license restrictions to Office Home and Read more…
Technology Guarantee Programs For Microsoft Office & WindowsPlease select the specific product and country of your purchase to continue: This program is valid for boxed product purchases only. If you acquired qualifying Windows XP or Microsoft Office 2003 software pre-loaded on a new computer, please go here for Windows Read more…
By Ed Oswald, Sun continued to show a resurgence in the worldwide server market in the second quarter of 2006, as the industry overall showed positive revenue growth for the first time in three quarters, research firm IDC said Wednesday. All of the growth could be attributed to Read more…
The following expression of how one Australian feels about immigration is well articulated and I believe is the opinion of most Canadians and Americans who have lived in these great countries for even a few years. It makes specific reference to Muslims because that is the ‘topic of the day’ Read more…
by Ian Matthews Commodore is revamping their site with new graphics and content and an overall reduced colour set ‘look’. Commodore scrapped the “new” italicized chicken head logo in favour of the original. You can see the new corporate site at; an URL which promotes the “Commodore International” Read more…
Intel released comprehensive set of comparison benchmarks for new Xeon and Core 2 processors. Like most, if not all, companies that produce benchmarks they are skewed to favour the new product. For instance on: you can see the the old single core Xeon is tested with 16GB of RAM, Read more… AMD confirmed rumors Monday and said it was merging with graphics chipmaker ATI in a transaction worth $5.4 billion. The first computer systems that would take advantage of the strengths of the combined company will begin appearing in 2007, the company said. The merger will allow AMD to Read more…