Up & Running Calgary LogoAt Up & Running we are always working on new ideas but our logo has not…
By Michael Robertson of Lindows/Linspire Apple is making a preposterous claim to the trademark office that they invented the app…
I recently completed a Lunch & Learn on how to EASILY take any number of still photos / graphics and…
Up & Running has always provided high quality web and email hosting for clients in the Calgary region, but with…
Recently a popular website (gawker.com) had their user account database hackaed and 1.25 million encrypted accounts were "stolen". The hacker…
From HP & Gartner Group We’re always trying to see into the future, imagining what our world will look like,…
By: Brian Jackson ITWorldCanada ...Proximity marketing involves sending an advertsement to an individual when they get close enough to…
This 4 minute X3 video discusses Qualcomm and Android replacing Intel and Windows (which is not actually going to happen…
I just spent 20 minutes trying to find a way to "sync" my old Media Center Remote (generation 1 from…
Intel recently released the new NM10 chipset which enables the newest Atom CPU's, the dual core + dual hyperthread N550,…
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