Windows 7 Turn Laptops into Real Wi-Fi Hotspots,8971.html#xtor=RSS-181 Home Connectify takes control of Windows 7’s Virtual Wi-Fi feature and turns the laptop into a hotspot. PC Advisor reports that Philadelphia developer Nomadio has discovered an unfinished Windows 7 feature (Virtual Wi-Fi) that can turn a laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot. That means other devices in the near Read more…

Hacker: Windows More Secure Than Mac OS X,8704.html#xtor=RSS-181 …”Snow Leopard’s more secure than Leopard, but it’s not as secure as Vista or Windows 7,” he said. “When Apple has both [in place], that’s when I’ll stop complaining about Apple’s security.”… …It is of the opinion of Charlie Miller, a well known Mac security guru, that even Snow Read more…

Microsoft drops 3-app limit from Windows 7 Starter Edition by Brad Linder The team of Microsoft developers working on Windows 7 have written a blog post spelling out exactly what features will and will not be available in Windows 7 Starter Edition. And the company has decided to drop one of the most talked-about restrictions: the ability to Read more…

Inernet Explorer 8 vs Firefox 3 … The Speed-Test Results By and large, we found that Internet Explorer 8 performed well, and beat out Firefox 3.0.7 in the majority of our time trials.However, IE 8’s performance advantage is relatively negligible. In most of our testing, IE 8’s advantage was half a second or less. One Read more…

Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 Shortcut Keys

WINDOWS 7 KEYBOARD SHORTCUT KEYS Win+UP Arrow Maximize the current window Win+Down Arrow If the current window is maximized, restore it; if the current window is restored, minimize it Win+Up Maximize Window Win+Down Minimize Window Win+Left Snap Window to left Win+Right Snap Window to right Win+Shift+Left Jump to left Read more…

Chevy Volt Comes To Canada in August 2011 It has been long known that the Volt would begin its North American launch in November 2010. GM continues to report confidence in being able to achieve that deadline. Previous interviews have suggested the Volt would be rolled out throughout North America more or less at the same time. Read more…

Auto Bailouts are Wrong

This is a great response to GM’s Prez from a gutsy supplier that obviously put principle before money and politics. Well worth the read. Better yet, Snopes says this letter is not a hoax. Dear Employees & Suppliers, Congress and the current Administration will soon determine whether to provide immediate Read more…

No Public Beta 2 for Windows 7 Microsoft announced on its Engineering Windows 7 blog today that the next version of Windows 7 would not be a beta, but a near-final version of the OS, a release candidate (RC). In the blog post Microsoft points out that it considers the rolling out of new operating systems Read more…