Many students already know about Google Docs. It is an accessible and helpful word processor. But not everyone understands the full range of available features. Recently, Google debuted Duet AI. You can access it through Google Docs when you gain access to Google Workspace Labs.

Students tend to be pretty savvy about online and Google tools. But homework can quickly become overwhelming. If you need help with college courseworks, seek a coursework helper for online coursework service and coursework assignment help. There are many study and homework help options to help you stay on top of your college studies.

If you’re intrigued by Duet AI and using Google prompts when writing your coursework, we can help. Learn more about using prompts to power up your writing and homework.

Getting Access to Google’s AI with a Google Account

google ai making ai for everyone

You will need a Google account to start using prompts for coursework assignments. You can sign up for a free Google account. Or create a separate Google account if you want to have a specific one for schoolwork.

Signing up for a Google account gives you access to much more than a Gmail account. You can work with a full suite of applications, complete with templates. You can also use many of the suite’s features both online and offline. A helpful tool is sharing the files with anyone you give permission to access. If you are new to using applications like Google Docs, take some time to play around with the features.

Moving Beyond the Basics in Google Docs with Google Workspace Labs

If you’re a Google Docs user and you have not opted out before, you can sign up for Google Workspace Labs. The signup won’t automatically give you access to the AI tool called Help Me Write. Instead, you’re expressing interest, and signing up will put you on a waiting list. Use your Google account to sign up for the waitlist.

Google will send an email letting you know you have been accepted into Google Workspace Labs. Remember, Google Workspace Labs is still in preview, and you are helping to test the tool. It is not available in every country yet. And some features may change before the official rollout.

How Help Me Write Can Help You Write

google docs help me write ai

The Help Me Write tool is excellent for helping college students write, explains Angelina Grin, an editor at Studybay. Once you gain access to Google Workspace Labs, you’re ready to explore the Help Me Write tool. Look for a light blue bar with the words “Help Me Write” inside or a blue circle with a pencil and a plus sign inside. Once you click Help Me Write, a panel will open. The panel is already populated with some prompt suggestions.

You can start by trying the prompts Google suggests to see what the tool generates. Or, craft a few simple prompts for the tool yourself. Don’t wait until you have an assignment looming to test out the AI tool. Becoming familiar beforehand is helpful. You’ll craft better prompts and end up with more polished work.

Crafting Effective Prompts for Google Docs

Be specific when possible. The prompts you give to Help Me Write are instructions. So, if you need to include particular things in your work, be sure to add them to your prompt, or the work that the tool generates may not include them. In fact, using a too-generic prompt could cause the AI to develop very general content. If another student uses a similarly generic prompt, you could end up with content that looks very much like theirs.

Instead of expecting Help Me Write to craft the entire writing assignment, use it for inspiration. You can structure your prompt using the assignment guidelines to make an outline. This approach is helpful when developing a topic or exploring subtopics.

Ways to Use AI in Your Coursework Writing

The way you structure your prompt will ultimately depend on your goal. Are you planning to enhance existing writing or let the AI compose the whole assignment?

Composing Whole Assignments with AI

It can be tempting to design a specific prompt and let the AI tool generate the entire assignment. And on the surface, the results may look pretty convincing. But users of this and other AI chatbots have discovered common flaws in this approach.

For instance, the AI may repeat information many times. Many paragraphs may sound nearly identical. And you’ll need to screen the text for factual errors carefully. Also, your AI-generated piece may be too generic. You might specify certain things. But you may still need to add details to meet coursework requirements.

Enhance Existing Writing with AI

Enhancing your existing coursework may be a better use of AI writing tools. Using Help Me Write can jazz up passages that feel unexciting. And there are other commands you can use to polish your writing, such as:

  • Elaborate: Add or expand on details in the highlighted section.
  • Formalize: Give your paper a more professional tone.
  • Rephrase: Let the tool help you redo awkwardly worded areas.
  • Shorten: Make the text more concise.

If you find making summaries of your work challenging, click Custom. Type in “summarize,” and Help Me Write will make a summary.

Combining the AI’s output with your original thoughts ensures authenticity in your work. As you use Help Me Write more often, you’ll learn to fine-tune your prompts and understand which suggestions work best for your style. This iterative process can greatly enhance your writing skills, teaching you to evaluate and revise content effectively.

Furthermore, as the AI learns from your inputs and preferences, it can also become more aligned with your writing style over time, making the collaboration even more seamless.

Essential Factors to Consider When Using Written Prompts

AI writing prompts can be a big help with your college schoolwork. But remember that Google Workspace Labs and Help Me Write are still “growing.” In other words, these programs are still learning. They may produce inappropriate or inaccurate work.

Also, you should probably avoid using or inserting personal information. Everything you use the AI tool for becomes part of the user data Google collects. This data helps Google refine the tool. But you don’t want others to have access to sensitive information. Google may have humans reviewing your data from Google Workspace Labs.

You can opt out of Google Workspace Labs. But if you exit, you will permanently lose features like Help Me Write. And once you leave, you cannot rejoin now. If you did join Google Workspace Labs, you don’t always have to use the features. The tools are there, but you can decide where and when to apply them.
Finally, you need to be 18 years of age or older and in one of the countries currently able to use Google Workplace Labs.

Evolve Your Writing Using Google Docs Prompts

AI tools have the potential to change how we write in significant ways. We use writing to communicate with each other. But our intentions may not always shine through. Using Google Docs prompts could help college students achieve clarity in their work. And they can collaborate with others in exciting, new ways.
Like most technology, AI writing tools like Help Me Write are works in progress. They’ll continue to learn and refine with more use and may become an essential part of your writing process.


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