It’s every manufacturer’s dream to have a warehouse that’s the epitome of being efficient. With an efficient warehouse, your warehouse staff members can speed up their tasks, such as picking, packing, accepting incoming orders, restocking shelves, and shipping orders. This is where warehouse automation comes in very handy.

Warehouse Automation Definition

Warehouse automation is the process of using computerized systems to manage a warehouse’s operations. It involves using the following technologies:

  • Warehouse Management System (WMS) provides real-time insights into your supply chain. According to Softeon and others, a WMS manages all processes like receiving, order pool management, picking, packing, and truck loading. This gives you more accurate inventory forecasting and decreased time for picking.
  • Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) include carts and forklifts. These portable machines function with the help of radio waves, floor stickers, wires, lasers, and vision cameras. They’re used to move raw materials and finished goods throughout the warehouse.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables equipment to perform tasks, such as visual perception, speech recognition, and decision-making. AI helps reduce the risk of human error while improving worker efficiency and productivity.
  • Mobile and wearable technologies are computing devices that augment and extend human capabilities. They provide workers with real-time data on their mobile devices, which improves their safety by helping them avoid accidents.
  • The Internet Of Things (IoT) includes a network of physical devices and vehicles embedded with electronics and sensors. IoT makes it possible to monitor the status of your warehouse inventory from anywhere in the world. When partnered with information technology (IT) solutions by Tenecom and the like, a warehouse that has IoT experiences lesser incidents of warehouse asset and data theft.
warehouse automation

The goal of warehouse technology is to optimize productivity. This allows workers to focus on more critical tasks than repetitive ones, like moving boxes around the warehouse floor.

The Advantages Of Implementing Warehouse Automation

With proper warehousing automation technology implementation, your company might enjoy these five benefits:

  • Reducing Accidents: Automated conveyor systems ensure that there aren’t any collisions between forklifts or pallet trucks and the people who work within the facility. By implementing proper safety measures along with these systems, you can ensure everyone stays safe while working in your warehouse facility.
  • Minimizing Costs Due To Human Error: Human error is a common problem in warehouses because it’s difficult for workers to track all their tasks simultaneously. Nevertheless, this problem can be minimized or even eliminated with automated warehouse conveyor systems.
  • Boosting Customer Satisfaction: Customers are more satisfied when they receive what they ordered on time, without any damage. On top of that, customers are more likely to return when they receive outstanding customer service.
  • Optimizing Warehouse Space: Automated warehouse conveyor systems can help you optimize the space in your warehouse by using it more efficiently. This translates to less waste and more profits for your business.
  • Decreasing Inventory Loss: Warehouses are often prone to theft due to their large size and lack of supervision at all times. With automated inventory tracking systems, you can reduce theft significantly and easily keep track of all movement within your warehouse.

Indeed, warehouse automation streamlines all warehousing operations, which facilitates business growth.

5 Tips For A Successful Warehouse Automation

robotic automated warehouse

Warehouse automation, nonetheless, can only be successful if you know how to implement it properly. The following are some of the best practices for it:

1 – Assess Existing Operations

Before you start purchasing warehouse automation technologies, you have first to evaluate your current workflow. Doing so allows you to identify areas of improvement before automation; review the flow of item movement, warehouse layout, and traffic patterns.

2 – Research About Automation Technologies

Researching automation technologies is a must. You’ll want to know the costs, maintenance, and how each technology will help meet your warehousing needs. That way, you can determine which ones are worth your investment.

3 – Modify The Warehouse Layout

The warehouse space, floor, and racking systems must accommodate all automation technologies. Thus, layout modification is essential to ensure new machinery won’t cause traffic in aisles.

For example, you plan on introducing AGVs into your warehouse. If so, ensure that there are no obstructions in their path. It is best to have an aisle dedicated only to AGVs so they can travel freely without interference as well.

4 -Look For Credible Manufacturers

Prior to buying warehousing technologies, you must research industry manufacturers as well. This involves comparing pricing and reading online reviews to ensure all machinery functions in the long run – reducing unnecessary repair costs while boosting productivity.

5 – Educate Staff About New Warehouse Systems

Even if you have the most efficient warehouse automation tools, you won’t see much ROI if your employees don’t know how to operate them. So, invest in training your warehouse staff before deploying automation machinery and tools. This translates to a smoother transition to warehouse automation.

Summing It Up

Ultimately, warehouse automation is the key to ensuring higher productivity in a warehouse. Thus, consider investing in technologies if you want your warehouse to be more efficient. These include AI, automated guided vehicles, WMS, IoT, and mobile and wearable tools. Yet make sure to research industry manufacturers first before investing in warehouse automation. And don’t forget to educate your staff members on how to operate these technologies upon deployment.


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