Categories: Windows Server

SOLVED: Who Is Enterprise Admin?

Microsoft Windows uses forest structure and in that forest are Domains.  Most small companies only have one domain but it is still in a forest… a forest with one domain.

Whats The Difference between Enterprise Admin and Domain Admin

An Enterprise Admin can make changes to things in the forest, while a Domain Admin can only effect things in the specific domain they are assigned.  Put simply Enterprise Admins are in “God Mode”.

Enterprise Admins can do things like add domains to the forest. Here are some things Enterprise Admins can do that Domain Admins cannot:

  1. Manage the entire forest: Enterprise Admins have permissions across all domains within the forest, allowing them to manage and configure settings at the forest level, whereas Domain Admins are limited to their specific domain
  2. Trust relationships: Enterprise Admins can establish and manage trust relationships between domains, enabling secure communication and resource sharing across different domains
  3. Schema modifications: Enterprise Admins can make changes to the Active Directory schema, which defines the structure of objects and attributes within the directory. Domain Admins do not have this level of access
  4. Domain creation and deletion: Enterprise Admins can create and delete domains within the forest, giving them control over the overall structure and organization of the forest
  5. Global catalog management: Enterprise Admins can manage the global catalog, which contains a partial replica of all objects in the forest, facilitating searches and logon processes across domains

Who Are My Enterprise Admins?

member of tab in ADUCmember of tab in ADUC

Last month we had a new customer who wanted to audit their active directory and determine which user accounts were Enterprise Admins.

The easiest way to see if a user is an Enterprise Admin is to look at the MEMBER OF tab in Active Directory Users and Computers as shown in screenshot to the right.

However, in larger organizations, reviewing each user one by one is a real pain, so you could look at the MEMBERS of the Enterprise Admins GROUP, but you may have too many to view on the screen, so a simple script like the one below, might be handy.

Make sure you are running it in a POWERSHELL that is AS AN ADMINISTRATOR:

script to list all enterprise administratorsscript to list all enterprise administrators

# Import Active Directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Get Enterprise Admins group
$enterpriseAdminsGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity "Enterprise Admins"

# Get members of the Enterprise Admins group
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $enterpriseAdminsGroup

# Retrieve additional properties for each member
$members | ForEach-Object {
    Get-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties Surname, GivenName, Description | Select-Object @{Name='Last Name';Expression={$_.Surname}}, @{Name='First Name';Expression={$_.GivenName}}, Name, SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, Description
} | Format-Table -AutoSize

Published by
Ian Matthews