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How to Protect Your Personal Privacy on Social Media?

Privacy concerns have started increasing among the general public these days and everyone is concerned about their privacy and data online. Protecting your personal privacy online is important in today’s digital age because everything in this age is getting vulnerable including personal information. By staying vigilant and maintaining a privacy-conscious mindset, you can safeguard your personal privacy online, especially on social media.

Although there are so many things that you can do to protect your privacy on social media, we have discussed some tips that might be helpful for you.

Read Privacy Terms and Conditions

Every website, platform, or application that you use on the internet has certain privacy terms and conditions. Before you sign up for any social media platform or website, you should always read and understand their privacy terms and conditions. While reading the privacy terms of a website or platform, make sure that you pay special attention to the information section to get clarity about how the website or platform uses and handles your data.

After reading the privacy terms and conditions of a website or platform, you can get clarity on whether you want to join this website and register an account or not. For instance, OmeTv is an online platform where you can meet people from around the world and you can browse around this web-site and read the privacy terms and conditions before you decide whether you use this platform or not.

Familiarize Yourself With Features

Familiarizing yourself with the features and functionality of an app, website, or platform is important before you start using it. Understand the features of a platform and how they work along with the privacy settings of the platform so that you can decide whether to use those features or not. Some online platforms like Omegle even have cam chat features and you should familiarize yourself with those features before using them.

Review Privacy Settings

After you join a social media platform or website, you are basically using the default privacy settings. Always check the default privacy settings on a website or platform, as these settings may permit the sharing of your information with third-party websites or other users on the platform. Adjust your default privacy settings and limit the amount of information that can be shared with other parties outside of your knowledge so that your privacy is maintained.

Minimize Data Sharing

Whenever you are signing up for a service on the internet or filling out online forms, always be mindful of the information that you share because sharing too much information might not be good. Always provide the necessary information and if you think that you cannot share the necessary information, then avoid filling out such forms. Sharing excess personal details that might not be essential for the service might put your privacy in jeopardy and it is good to be on the safe side.

Be Cautious When Posting Pictures

Before you post any picture on the internet, always be cautious and think twice. Posting your pictures on the internet or social media platform has been identified as a risky activity and you should always be cautious about it. In case you are posting your picture online, make sure that your privacy settings are enabled and your pictures are shared only with your close contacts online and not everyone.

Review Friends and Contacts

Always review the people that you add to your contacts on social media platforms because you don’t have any obligation to accept friends or follow requests of everyone on the internet and social media. Be careful when accepting friends or following requests, or adding people to your contacts because adding the wrong people or people you don’t know might not be a wise decision.

Published by
Khalid Abdullahi

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