SOLVED: Can a M365 Admin View Results of a User’s Microsoft Form?

It is not possible to add a user to an existing M365 Form if you are not the owner of that Form. Even an Azure/M365 Global Administrator cannot make the change. I knew this was the case a few years ago when FORMS was initially released but were shocked to find that it is still that way.

After struggling with this for about an hour and running many different tests we contacted Microsoft directly and confirmed that there are only three workarounds:

add change owner view results of ms formsadd change owner view results of ms forms
  1. RESET USER PASSWORD: Have an administrator such as myself, reset the user’s password, remove any multi factor authentication requirements, and then sign in as that user so you can administrate that form and see the results.
  2. TRANSFER OWNERSHIP: Go through a transfer of ownership process which requires the original user to be disabled or deleted and is not reversible.
  3. HAVE MICROSOFT CHANGE THE BACKEND: Place a request with Microsoft Tech support, wait potentially a week or two for them to manually adjust the permissions at the back end.

None of these are particularly good workarounds.

Published by
Ian Matthews