UX is a fundamental part of web design, and it is ever-changing. While some of the changes are gradual, others are more dramatic. What are the new trends this year?

The answer is a lot. After all, UX is user experience; it is the reason that people buy devices in the first place. Let’s take a closer look at the top new directions that UX design services are moving in.

Improved Predictive Ability

As you’ve surely heard, AI is the name of the game these days. And this goes as much for UX as it does for other areas. One of the ways that this manifests itself is in improved predictive ability for users. While this might sound far-fetched, the ability to predict is actually more real than most of us probably would have thought.

What does this mean in reality? It means that UX designers can use advanced AI-driven tools to more accurately predict user behavior. They can do this by means of analyzing huge volumes of user data in order to predict future patterns. Tools such as Mixpanel and Google Analytics are assistive in determining user preferences and refining designs.

Among the specific types of predictions that AI is able to make is in prototyping. With the right tools, it can create interactive prototypes to assess user interactions. These tools simulate what would happen in a real experience and eliminate issues before devices are launched.


For some percentage of the population, devices are considered easily accessible. But this isn’t true for everyone. UX designers are working to remove barriers for those with special needs and for different types of situations.

Some of the solutions UX designers are working towards include digital lenses, for example. These are lenses that are coated with a special anti-reflective coating to reduce glare and provide additional clarity. AI pins are another one. These are tiny devices that you can clip on your clothes that can utilize voice, gesture, or touch inputs to access different kinds of information with the help of AI.

Interactive Animation

Another thing that people are increasingly looking for in UX is interactive ability. Therefore, UX designers are coming out with an increasing amount of interactive animations.

What is especially exciting about these developments in animation is that they require comparatively little coding on the part of designers. Thanks to advancements in AI, programmers can simply input preferences and the tools will do a lot of the work for them. Tools such as Rive help UX designers create complex animations such as the ones used in various educational and gaming programs.

Animations help to bring out the prominent features of designs and engage users more effectively. And they are now being increasingly personalized to suit different users individually.

AR and VR

AR and VR are also becoming a big thing these days, and this is no less true for UX than in other spheres.

Advancements in AR and VR are making a big difference for companies wanting to offer their clients immersive product experiences. For customers who really need a close-up, complete look at a product, these tools are making this increasingly possible. They are truly blurring the line between virtual reality and actual reality.

Cross-Platform Uusability

One of the frustrating things about using multiple devices used to be the incompatibility between systems. But this is increasingly being smoothed over as UX designers are able to create mutually compatible interfaces for diverse platforms and devices.

And this applies very broadly – not just to phones and laptops. The things you do on a phone app will be transferable to your computer and your tablet, and also to smart watches, other smart devices, and indeed to the IoT in general.

And Yet More

This is just a hint of what’s to come in the ever-changing world of UX. You can be sure that advancements will continue, and the trends that we are seeing now will only continue to grow.

The sophistication of AI and its ability to read and predict user behavior will grow like we never thought possible. And the interactivity between user and device will become even more intricate, to the point where every device will be practically tailor-made for its individual user.


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