Player behavior in the casino has always varied from how players talk, how they choose to gamble, and their tells which can explain their gambling decisions. In land casinos, data analytics for players still use electronic means to store player data, but they provide more personal player information. Tracking systems for players, for example, are often implemented through loyalty cards. From these electronic findings, the casino can find out: how long players spend on certain machines or games, how much time in the casino, or their betting patterns. However, these require much more personal information such as a player’s name and more.

The casino machines can also analyze data alone like slots, for example. Slot machines can show the number of spins, the sizes of player bets, and the ratio to which someone wins or loses, as they have set outcomes. For general player analytics, casinos can use heat maps and foot traffic analysis systems which will identify high-traffic areas within the casino. Therefore, casinos can use data to find out the most popular routes through the casino from game to game and where general patrons spend the most time.

While they can do a lot of analysis, data analysis services for online casinos are considered to be much more detailed and specific to real-time interactions.

Technology and casinos go hand in hand in for casinos when it comes to learning about their customers. A bonus? They now require less personal information. This technology in the form of Smart contracts, blockchain technology, and decentralization has enabled this process in online casino games.

In online poker, the best online poker site games tailor the experience of each game based on customer data analytics. It’s up to the developers to utilize the large amount of data analytics they collect and use it in a way that isn’t on the customer and their gaming experience.

Exploring data analytics in online casinos, this article will cover some of the ways that this technology has advanced the ways player behavior can now be studied in online poker games.

Data Mining Player Information

Online poker platforms store a myriad of player data through means such as the blockchain which records every hand a player has. Some poker platforms even allow players to view the history of their hands themselves. Data mining technologies can essentially extract patterns from a player’s data, or identify them. Data analyzed in this section will be able to decipher if players use specific card combinations, bet certain amounts, or repeat specific actions.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning algorithms will differ per casino depending on the outcome the casino wants to achieve. When analyzing player behavior in poker, casinos can implement machine-learning models and algorithms in online poker that use the recorded past data of a player’s actions to anticipate their future poker moves such as the bet they will place, or if they fold, for example. In poker, not only can these be used for player prediction, but they can also be used to build individual player profiles through past and predictive data.

Predictive data can guess what games a player will like which can work with the algorithm to recommend players new strategies, games, and loyalty schemes they will be interested in.

Data Engines That Work In Real-Time

Poker players can use strategies and their tools to help them play. Real-time data engines can also be used by casinos for gameplay analysis to analyze player gameplay to the minute create updates, and enable a greater level of personalization.

During live poker games, real-time data processing will be enabled through engines. Real-Time Assistance can be enabled in these games for casinos to spot problems with a player’s betting tendencies or if the game has faults. For players, real-time assistance can help them to make strategic decisions which can allow the casinos to categorize them through their adjusted gameplay methods and strategies.

Another form of real-time data technology is in the form of Heads-Up displays. In online poker, HUDs analyze real-time data and use a player’s hand history against their opponent’s statistics to display percentages that players can view as they play poker.

Percentages displayed on the screen are advantageous for poker players. Mathematical displays put a number to the strength of each opponent they face. They can use percentages to uncover player weaknesses and predict their decisions in gameplay. HUDs enable players to call their opponents bluff, and possibly see if their hands are weaker than they are letting on.

Biometric Data Services

Biometric Data services are not as commonly used in online poker as you think. However, in some online poker platforms, biometric data is used for enhanced security, eliminating the possibility of fraudulent player behavior. Biometric data can use physical traits and player’s behavior to help confirm their identity online. Analyzing biometric data can allow casinos to determine which players are legitimate and who may be trying to infiltrate a person’s game, or even cheat.

Just like Face ID on the iPhone, biometric data will involve scanning a person based on different behaviors or movements.

This could involve their fingerprints, identifying facial features, their typing, or even mouse clicks and movements. For example, repetitive mouse clicks could infer a player is impatient or speedy when choosing to bet, call, raise, or make other important decisions in each round of poker.

Emotions can be picked up by using biometric data due to its capability to record and register human emotion and player stress levels. Casino can use this to guide players to play games that do not cause them stress by recommendations made through their algorithm systems.


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