SOLVED: How To Import Previously Exported Favorites In Microsoft Edge Browser

It would seem incredibly simple to import your favorites into Microsoft edge, after you had exported them from Microsoft Edge, but it isn’t. Well, it isn’t difficult but it is far from obvious.

How To Export Your Favorites From Microsoft Edge

To export your favorites from Microsoft Edge, simply put edge://favorites into your address bar.

Alternately you right click on your favorites bar and select manage favorites. If you don’t have a favorites bar, like we do in the screenshot below, click the three dots in the top right hand corner call the select settings and search for favorites in the top left search field. And if you are really lost here, just

Then just click the three dots to the right of the add folder button near the top right hand corner and select export favorites. At that point, it will ask you for a file name and you can call it anything you want but it will default to today’s date and it will be an html file.

how to export your favorites in Microsoft Edge Browserhow to export your favorites in Microsoft Edge Browser

How To Import Your Favorites Into Microsoft Edge

To import previously exported favorites into Microsoft Edge, simply:

  1. put edge://favorites into your address bar
  2. click the three dots to the right of the add folder button near the top right hand corner and select import favorites.
  3. Click the IMPORT button on the IMPORT FROM IE11 line
  4. Click the drop down arrows on the IMPORT BROWSER DATA window and select FAVORITES OR BOOKMARKS HTML FILE
  5. Select your previously exported .HTML favorites file
  6. Have a nice day
how to import previously exported favorites in Microsoft Edge Browserhow to import previously exported favorites in Microsoft Edge Browser

Why Microsoft did not have a distinct IMPORT FROM HTML FILE link or an IMPORT PREVIOUSLY EXPORTED FAVORITES link I just don’t know.

Published by
Ian Matthews