This is a follow up list to the top 200 worst passwords which we have HERE. This list shows the top 25 most common worst passwords used in the United States. This list was compiled by looking at recently hacked website information and filtering it by country; in this case the United States.

We also took the extra step of putting this information into an algorithm that estimates how log it will take to crack each of these bad passwords. This is done through what’s called a brute force attack in which a hacker uses a list of thousands of known passwords, and tries each one of them, one at a time, until he succeeds. Brute force attacks could be easily defeated by either:

  1. using requiring two factor authentication (2FA/MFA) or
  2. limiting the number of failed attempts to three or four, before locking the account

Because Florida was the only state name in the top 25 list, it appears that much of the data we were analyzing had users in that state, which likely skewed the results. We suggest that using any of the state names, or province names, or territories as a password is a bad idea.

Most Common Worst Password RankPasswordTime To Crack
1password<1 Second
2123456<1 Second
3Password1<1 Second
412345<1 Second
5a1b2c3<1 Second
6123456789<1 Second
7guest10 Seconds
81234<1 Second
9abc123<1 Second
1012345678<1 Second
11qwerty<1 Second
12baseball<1 Second
13Football<1 Second
14Unknown17 Minutes
15soccer<1 Second
16jordan23<1 Second
17iloveyou<1 Second
18666666<1 Second
19shadow<1 Second
20Florida1 Days
211234567<1 Second
221q2w3e4r<1 Second
23111111<1 Second
24fuckyou<1 Second
25princess<1 Second


SOLVED: Top 200 Most Common Worst Passwords Globally – Up & Running Technologies, Tech How To's · September 4, 2023 at 3:41 pm

[…] have the most common 25 passwords used in the United States HERE, and the (worst) most commonly used passwords in Canada here. (coming later this […]

SOLVED: Top 200 Globally Recognized Most Common Worst Passwords – Up & Running Technologies, Tech How To's · September 4, 2023 at 3:35 pm

[…] have the most common 25 passwords used in the United States HERE, and the (worst) most commonly used passwords in Canada here. (coming later this […]

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