This one has bothered us for a while and tonight I decided to dig in and figure it out.

With a number of our clients we have to log into the console to do patching and the only way we could run that in the past was to manually start MSTSC.exe /ADMIN. To make this easier we had just created a custom shortcut but we use Remote Desktop Connection Manager to patch clients that don’t use WSUS and we do it have to remember to use this special shortcut for just one or two servers.

To use slash admin switch on remote desktop connection manager simply:

  1. right click on the server in question,
  2. select PROPERTIES from the context menu
  3. select the CONNECTION SETTINGS tab
  4. (likely) uncheck INHERIT FROM PARENT checkbox
  5. click CONNECT TO CONSOLE checkbox
  6. click OK
  7. Have a nice day


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