iGaming is becoming ubiquitous, with the future clear: online casinos are going to take over the traditional land-based establishment’s crown. Games are far more appealing in terms of graphics and experience, smartphone penetration is on the upswing, and 5G internet speeds are enough to run online casinos.

Tech Advancements in Online Casinos

But what’s perhaps the biggest advantage of online casino games is the rapid technological advancements. Online options seemed budget and slow compared to the ‘real thing’ just a few short years ago, it’s now clear that we’re moving in a new direction.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are undoubtedly among the most exciting advancements, with the tech we could only imagine through sci-fi movies of yesteryear now becoming a reality.

But Wait, What is a VR Casino?

Virtual reality gaming is the definition of an immersive experience. When you play VR style, you’re there. You’re right in the middle of the action, a bustling real-life casino, dealers, fellow gamblers, and perhaps a wee gin and tonic in your hand.

Except, you’re actually sitting at home in your pajamas.

VR makes it possible to take you to another world right in the comfort of your own home. This is how it works: you put on a VR headset and teleport to an online casino that almost feels more real than an actual land-based establishment.

VR is now also quite affordable. The Oculus Rift S is available for under $500, which is absurdly inexpensive compared to previous iterations. It’s still a fair amount of money to invest, sure, but it’s no longer just for the ridiculously wealthy.

Granted, we’re in VR’s infancy, and the games are still very much 3D, but the tech has improved significantly in recent years. VR video games are now playable and fun, whereas previously they were nothing more than a subpar novelty.

Developers in the casino industry are furiously working to introduce this technology to gamblers, and the early signs are promising indeed. The tech is already out there, with a few providers offering VR gambling options. Big players are also investing, although we’re probably a year or two away from widespread adoption.

And How About AR?

Perhaps the easiest way to explain AR is to cite its most famous use case example to date: Pokémon GO. Launched in 2016, it has been downloaded over a billion times and it’s still a huge hit to this day.

The game catapulted AR into the limelight and changed the industry in a big way. And AR has now arrived, perhaps giving land-based casinos a lifeline in an increasingly competitive space.

AR allows players to experience a blended virtual and real-life experience, which means both online casinos and brick-and-mortar establishments can take advantage.

AR works as an overlay on your actual surroundings, giving an enhanced experience of your existing location. There are several interesting use cases possible when it comes to casinos.

For example, Futurism recently showcased how AR can help poker players by highlighting the win percentages of a given hand (all in real-time!). AR can also help beginners with basic strategy when playing blackjack, for instance.

More exciting options include playing slots that are integrated into our surroundings. Imagine the characters of our favorite slot games hanging out right in your living room, or the bonus rounds integrating with your surroundings.

The cool thing about AR is that all you need is your existing smartphone to leverage the technology. No expensive headsets, no additional investment, and not a clunky extra bit of kit to carry around.

Where’s the Future?

The technology has arrived, sure, but we’re not quite yet at the point of widespread availability. But there’s a reason why there’s an increased buzz around both AR and VR: the tech is finally usable.

We’ve already seen how AR can take the industry by storm and cause some serious disruption. No one is going to argue that a billion downloads of Pokémon Go are anything but impressive.

VR has long promised to be something, only to disappoint. The initial iterations of the Oculus Rift, for example, were disappointing. And that’s putting it lightly. But now? VR gaming is a legit contender and players are increasingly turning to virtual reality as their go-to option.

So how about VR/AR and casinos? There’s still a way to go before your favorite establishments make VR and AR games widely available, but we’re on our way. Companies are increasingly investing in the technology, and are keen to leverage the hardware the average consumer now has access to at an affordable price.

Expect VR and AR to gain some serious steam in the next year, both in the gambling industry and beyond. The use cases have been clear for quite some time, and the technology is now finally here to make them happen.


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