SOLVED: How To Manually Remove Server Server from Remote Desktop Services
Many people say they cannot remove an RD Session Host Server or RD Session Gateway Server or RD Licensing Server because RDS has a limitation that Microsoft still has not accounted for. If a server that was previously added to your Remote Desktop Services Manager configuration is removed (or disabled) in Active Directory, it blows up your RDS with:
The following servers in this deployment are not part of the server pool. The servers must be added to the server pool.
If you see this error and the server(s) in question are NOT disabled/removed from Active Directory, just add them to this RDS Servers Pool:
How To Add A Server To Server Pool
Launch Server Manager
Click MANAGE (top right)
Enter the host name of the server you want to add
If however, the server has been removed from Active Directory, you have a problem because there is no GUI method to remove a server from an RDS pool if it is already out of AD. Fortunately the solution looks an awful lot more difficult that it really is.
How To Manually Remove A Server From RDS
In short, use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to delete the server tied to RDS that has been removed from Active Directory. Here are the steps… not hard, but read carefully: