Blockchain technology is advancing faster and faster while its uses for secure and decentralized protocols are increasing. As a result, the demand for developers in this area has grown, and it is one of the most sought-after professions. If you want to become a blockchain programmer, now is the best time. We tell you what it consists of and what functions it fulfills to achieve it.

What is Blockchain?

It is a type of database used to store and organize information. Traditional databases organize information in rows and columns that form tables. It makes the information easy for computers to recognize. With blockchain, information is digitally formatted and compiled into blocks.

Each block has a limited storage capacity. Once that capacity is reached, the block is closed and linked to the previous block using cryptography, creating a chain. Cryptography creates an immutable timestamp when one block is linked to another.

Another difference is that a central authority usually controls traditional databases, while Blockchain databases are usually decentralized.

What is a Blockchain Programmer?

A programmer working with blockchain technology is responsible for building, maintaining, and designing blockchain applications and systems.

An example of an application of this technology is smart contracts. It is a document in which two parties sign an agreement, just as with regular contracts. The difference is that smart contracts are programs stored on a blockchain. These programs are executed automatically when both parties comply with the agreed terms and conditions. This automated compliance ensures the proper execution of a contract in real-time.

It’s like putting a coin in a vending machine and giving you a can of soda. You insert the correct payment and receive the product you expected. And this happens without third-party intervention because the deal is fixed.

So, a blockchain programmer is the one who develops the structure of this type of contract. But he does many more things. We see them now.

What are the Functions of a Blockchain Programmer?

As in all branches of the technology industry, there are different specializations for programmers in this area.

One of the specializations is blockchain core development. They are in charge of security and system architecture. They are the ones who have to create the database, in addition to the design and development of 3D content.

The other specialty is the blockchain software developer, who is in charge of creating decentralized applications and web applications. They handle front-end and sometimes back-end development, design, and maintenance.

Responsibilities of a blockchain programmer

  • Build the blockchain protocols.
  • Program the back-end of the application based on the established protocols
  • Develop and implement the architecture
  • Develop and monitor smart contracts
  • Perform quality and functionality tests
  • Design the graphical interface for users to interact with

How to Become a Blockchain Programmer?

As with any profession, whether a banker, lawyer, paper writing service expert, salesman or programmer, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the chosen position and understand how it works.

To use blockchain, you must first have a basic understanding of programming. So you will have to deepen your learning in several topics:

Programming Languages

The most used language in the blockchain is Python. Several free courses, such as this course created by Google and given on Coursera. Central blockchain programmers (Blockchain core) usually work with other programs, such as Golang, Solidity, C++, and Java. Blockchains are running on Ethereum work with Solidity, and those operating on the Bitcoin blockchain work with C++.


Cryptography is a fundamental part of blockchain technology. It protects confidential information by ensuring that the intended recipient can only see the content of a message. You can take a free course offered by Stanford University.

Mining algorithms

The most popular is SHA-256, Scrypt, and Equihash.

Consensus Algorithms

These algorithms regulate how the nodes that seal the blocks reach an agreement among themselves and incorporate the block into the chain. The most commonly used are Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake, and Proof of Work.


You should have basic notions of how the technologies used to develop cryptocurrencies, such as Solana, Bitcoin, and Ethereum, work.

Smart Contracts

Being one of the most common uses for this type of technology, having in-depth knowledge about smart contracts could open some job doors for you.

Data Structure

As you will be working with different types of databases, it will be important to know the different types of data structures.

Blockchain Architecture

Understanding each type of blockchain architecture helps identify a career area in which you’d like to work. There are four blockchain architectures: public, private, consortium, and hybrid.

Know the Industry

And the last thing you need to be a blockchain programmer is to know the industry. Research which companies are working with this technology and what profiles they are looking for.


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