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Mobile App Development Trends – How to Make Your App Rock

Mobile development trends sometimes change faster than they can be implemented on the dev side. To stay one step ahead of your competitors, it is important to focus on emerging trends, methods, and approaches. Let us help you save you some time and make your business grow faster. In this article, we provide a mobile app development guide list of the top trends that you need to know about if you want to be a pioneer in your niche and stand head and shoulders above the competition.

#1 – Mobile Commerce

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This trend has been dominating since 2018 and is still acute today. More and more companies are using mobile apps to increase their revenue. From large retailers to small brands – all resort to mobile apps to make more money. The ongoing pandemic and the wide use of mobile devices have contributed to the development of this trend. Therefore, wallet integration should become a standard feature for every application that processes transactions.

#2 – Mobile Applications for Internal Use

More and more companies resort to legacy app modernization services for their internal needs, pursuing different goals:

  • Business automation – logistics processes, communication, document management, personnel and workflow management, customer relations, etc.;
  • Improving the quality and speed of work of employees – creating file sharing, connecting instant messengers, social networks, and trackers for internal communication, as well as project and task management systems.

The use of applications improves the stability of work processes and minimizes the number of operational errors. In addition, mobile apps can quickly increase productivity, which is especially true for rapidly growing companies.

#3 – Motion Design

The introduction of motion design elements into mobile interfaces continues to show dynamic growth. Users are attracted by the possibility of interactive interaction with web services; therefore, companies are actively using various techniques in application development, for example:

  • 3D elements;
  • Complex visual effects;
  • Background animation;
  • Animation of logos;
  • Smooth transitions.

All these and many other features will help you entertain users by improving the behavioral factors and increasing the rating of the mobile application.

#4 – Augmented Reality

In 2022, AR technologies will continue to develop. AR functions are highly being used in mobile applications for a wide range of tasks and scenarios. AR technology has a huge number of applications in various fields. And it works just great with a smartphone. However, to develop a quality mobile application featuring AR effects, you need not only to clearly define your business goals but also to create good content (animation, realistic 3D and 2D models). What is more, it is so important to find experienced developers who can offer a quality solution

#5 – Voice Search

We live in the era of voice search. Every smartphone already comes with a digital voice assistant. There is Siri in iPhones; Google Assistant does this service for Android devices. Moreover, smart speakers with AI are gaining popularity as well.

Digital voice assistants have already become a common feature for smartphones. Smart speakers are not so widespread yet, but their price is becoming more affordable. So you can count that they will become a common thing in the coming years. Therefore, all companies should consider developing their own smart speaker app to create another channel aimed at increasing audience loyalty and sales.

#6 – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI and machine learning entered mobile app development many years ago. But we are just beginning to understand how large and powerful the impact these technologies can have on our lives and how they can be used.

When we think of AI in terms of web service development, chatbots or virtual assistants like Siri or Alice come to mind. However, for building applications, the use cases go far beyond that. Today, AI is changing the very process of creating applications, from the development of the back-end to the user interface.

Examples of AI features that can be implemented in a mobile application:

  • Image recognition;
  • Face recognition;
  • Classification of text and images;
  • Forecasting systems;
  • Speech recognition;
  • Internet advertising.

Machine learning can help you facilitate communication with users, establish a personal connection with customers, accurately and quickly satisfy their requests, which will lead to greater audience engagement and higher conversions. For example, marketers can make the most of data by digging deeper into user behavior, creating dynamic content, and enabling personalization at scale. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, target customers based on their location, provide them with relevant content across all channels, and link their offline purchases to their online behavior.

Boost Your Business

The mobile market is just expanding. So you should definitely set it as your key target. Scale your business and capture as many leads as possible by following these mobile development trends.

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  • I realized in time that now is probably the best time to start a career in creating mobile applications. I really want to learn how to create artificial intelligence.

Published by
Khalid Abdullahi