Eight years ago we wrote THIS article explaining the difference between TCP/IP printer ports and the then new WSD printer ports.  In 2021 we find IPP ports are confusing people:

What Is an IPP Port?

First lets explain what IPP stands for.  IPP is an acronym for Internet Printing Protocol .

IPP Ports are used for network printing.  For example if your print jobs are routed through a corporate print server or if printing is done through your home network.  In other words, if your are not directly connected to the printer using a USB cable or similar connection.

What Does IPP Replace?

IPP is now common because it is the successor to legacy printing protocols which includes the ancient LPR, LPD and PORT 9100 solutions.

What can IPP Do?

Internet Printing Protocol can do it all.  IPP allows clients (i.e. you PC) to ask the printer:

  1. what it is capable of (i.e. can it duplex, staple, fold,…)
  2. for its happy default configuration (i.e. default to 8.5 x 14″ paper and print on both sides)
  3. for the status of the print queue (i.e. the printer can provide details on the three print jobs that are ahead of yours)
  4. manage the print queue (i.e. accept new print jobs or delete existing jobs)
  5. for the hardware status (i.e. the printer has a paper jam or is out of ink)

Developer Details on IPP Commands

If you are a developer, or just someone with waaaaay too much time on your hands, you can skim IANA’s IPP command reference HERE.

Common IPP commands are

  • Print-Job: Create a new print job with just a single document
  • Create-Job: Create a new blank print job
  • Send-Document: Add a document to a print the existing CREATE-JOB job
  • Cancel-Job: Cancel an existing queued print job
  • Get-Printer-Attributes: Return the printer capabilities and status
  • Get-Jobs: Returns the list of jobs in the print queue



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