SOLVED: VIDEO: Step By Step Firmware Upgrade Process For Juniper EX3400 Switch

If you are an Windows admin that needs to periodically deal with network gear, you may be overwhelmed by the complexity of the Juniper firmware upgrade process.

We have the video below that goes through the entire process, including how to source the firmware.  Below that video are all of the steps and commands so you can copy paste into your Putty Serial Connection:

How to Update Firmware on a Juniper EX3400 Switch

  1. Download the Juniper EX firmware
  2. Download Putty
  3. If and only if you have a Juniper EX2300 or EX3400 you also need some additional files as per Juniper KB31198
    1. Download these two files EX2300-EX3400-os-package and EX2300-EX3400-package-hooks-ex
  4. Copy the firmware onto a USB stick that is formatted with FAT32 (NTFS will not work).
    1. If and only if you have a Juniper EX2300 or EX3400, copy the two additional files on the same stick
  5. Connect your computer to the Juniper switch’s console port using a console cable like THIS one.
  6. Determine the number of COM port that was just added in step 5, but checking DEVICE MANAGER > PORTS
  7. Launch Putty, select SERIAL, set it to the COM port number you figured out in step 5 above

If you are unclear of how to do this watch the video above.

Steps to Upgrade Firmware on a Juniper Switch
  1. Log into your Juniper switch as root
  2. Mount the USB stick (DO NOT PLUG IT INTO YET)
      1. Type ls /dev/da* and press ENTER
      2. Plug the USB stick into the Juniper switch
    1. Type ls /dev/da* and press ENTER
    2. NOTE: the additional folder – that is the name of your USB stick as far as Juniper is concerned
  3. Type mkdir /var/tmp/usb and press ENTER
  4. Type mount_msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /var/tmp/usb and press ENTER
    1. NOTE: Change DA1S1 to the name of your USB stick
  5. Type cp /var/tmp/usb/junos* /var/tmp and press ENTER
    1. If and only if you have a Juniper EX2300 or EX3400 also copy the other two files:
      1. cp /var/tmp/usb/os* /var/tmp
      2. cp /var/tmp/usb/pack* /var/tmp
  6. Enter the Command Line Interface by typing cli and press ENTER
  7. Start the upgrade process by typing request system software add /var/tmp/junos-arm-32-21.1R1.11.tgz reboot and press ENTER
    1. NOTE: Change the name of the firmware file to match what you downloaded
  8. Reboot by typing request system reboot and press ENTER

Wait for the reboot to complete and then have a great day.


Published by
Ian Matthews