SOLVED: VIDEO: Step By Step Factory Reset Wipe a Juniper EX Switch

If you have a Juniper switch that is up for sale or being scrapped, it should be factory reset.  We assume you know nothing and show you which cable you need, what software you need and what commands to run:

  1. Connect your computer to your Juniper switches console port (on the back) most likely using a USB TO SERIAL console cable like THIS ONE.
  2. Download Putty and run it
  3. Determine the COM port your USB TO SERIAL cable is using by looking in DEVICE MANAGER > PORTS
  4. Log into your Juniper switch
  5. Type cli and press ENTER
  6. Type request system zeroize and press ENTER

Two quick notes:

  1. The factory default credentials for Juniper switches is user = root and no password
  2. the command to change the default password in Junos is set system root-authentication plain-text-password


Published by
Ian Matthews