Since the last Windows 10 upgrade one of our staff noticed that Windows File Explorer did not show their profile path (We are always on beta’s which change every few weeks to there is little point to explaining the build details).  Specifically, the missing user is “Calgary” and so the profile is stored in C:\USERS\CALGA but as you can see in the screen shot below, that user name does not appear.

If I manually enter the path C:\USERS\CALGA\ all the folders appear.  This is particularly odd because as you can see in the screen shot below, I always turn on HIDDEN ITEM and FILE NAME EXTENSIONs:



I noticed a pending rebooted to complete another upgrade to a new Windows 10 build, but that cycle did not resolve the issue.  Fortunately, manually setting ATTRIB -S -H did resolve it:

  1. Open a PowerShell or CMD window as an Admin
  2. Type attrib -s -h c:\users\<missing user>
  3. Press the Enter key

Here are all the details of the ATTIB command in case your are curious:

Displays, sets, or removes attributes assigned to files or directories. If used without parameters, attrib displays attributes of all files in the current directory.

ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+O | -O] [+I | -I] [+X | -X] [+P | -P] [+U | -U]
[drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D]] [/L]

+ Sets an attribute.
- Clears an attribute.
R Read-only file attribute.
A Archive file attribute.
S System file attribute.
H Hidden file attribute.
O Offline attribute.
I Not content indexed file attribute.
X No scrub file attribute.
V Integrity attribute.
P Pinned attribute.
U Unpinned attribute.
B SMR Blob attribute.
[drive:][path][filename] Specifies a file or files for attrib to process.
/S Processes matching files in the current folder and all subfolders.
/D Processes folders as well.
/L Work on the attributes of the Symbolic Link versus the target of the Symbolic Link


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