If you are working on Office 365 products (like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) and find that some buttons relating to connected services are greyed out there is likely one of four problems:

  1. You are working on a older version of Office (circa 2015) that had a bug which is now corrected.  See THIS thread
  2. You are only seeing the problem in Outlook and that is a simple WORK OFFLINE settings issue
    1. Click the SEND/RECEIVE tab
    2. Click the WORK OFFLINE button (globe with red x)
      See THIS Microsoft article for more details
  3. There is a problem with your internet connectivity
    1. close all MS Office apps
    2. disconnect from the internet (and any VPN you may be connected to)
    3. wait 30 seconds
    4. connect to the internet
    5. try to surf to any webpage you have not used before (i.e. PartisanIssues.com is one of our other sites)
    6. start PowerPoint (or Word or Excel…) and see if the issue is corrected
  4. You have a security policy blocking access to connected services
    1. This could be in Group Policy or
    2. In the new config.office.com 


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