SOLVED: What is ACTIVE MEMORY DUMP in Server 2016 & Win10

server2016-active-memory-dumpserver2016-active-memory-dumpWindows Server 2016 and Windows 10 have a new debugging feature named ACTIVE MEMORY DUMP which tracks only important memory information and ignores the rest.

Most notably, if your computer is a HyperV host, it’s memory will contain the memory of your Virtual Machines, which is of little to no use in diagnosing the host server’s problems.  Using ACTIVE MEMORY DUMP makes diagnosing blue screen crash dumps much easier.

server2016-active-memory-dump-configurationserver2016-active-memory-dump-configurationTo enable ACTIVE MEMORY DUMP, go to SYSTEM > ADVANCED SYSTEM SETTINGS > STARUP & RECOVERY – SETTINGS > set WRITE DEBUGGING INFORMATION to ACTIVE MEMORY DUMP.

As you will hear in the video below, Microsoft recommends you use ACTIVE MEMORY DUMP on most systems because it makes troubleshooting faster and easier.

Published by
Ian Matthews