Categories: Windows Server

SOLVED: How to Remove the Left Menu Bar from A Sharepoint 2013 Site / Page

It is not difficult to remove the left menu bar from Sharepoint 2013 but unfortuately it is not as simple as clicking a checkbox and the steps are tedious:

  1. Click EDIT (top right of your site)
  2. Click inside the body of your site
  3. Click INSERT (top menu)
  4. Click WEBPART
  6. Click the ADD button (bottom right)
  7. Click the CONTENT EDITOR box that just appeared then select the drop down in the top right of that box and select EDIT WEB PART
    1. If you skip the EDIT WEBPART, it will not work
    2. the small black drop down arrow will not appear (in the top right) until you mouse over the Content Editor box
  8. Click the CLICK HERE TO ADD NEW CONTENT link at the bottom of the CONTENT EDITOR box
  9. Click INSERT (top menu tab)
  10. Click EMBED CODE
  11. Paste the following into the box (and make sure it is plain text when you paste it… i.e. it looks just like what you see below):

    <style unselectable=”on”>

    /* hide left menu bar */



    display: none;


    /* adjust position of content */






  12. Click the INSERT button
  13. In the CONTENT EDITOR (edit WebPart) box on the right side of the screen click the + to expand the APPEARANCE section
  14. Change the TITLE to something small like a period .
    1. This will effectively hide the code from the viewers
  15. Click OK (right side of screen)


There, now wasn’t that easy!  What a pain in the butt.

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Published by
Ian Matthews

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