Every machine I install the lastest Windows Update Agent on results in a 800B0001 error when getting updates “FROM YOUR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR” but have no problems when getting “UPDATES FROM MICROSOFT UPDATE”.
This is the same as: http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/partnerwinclient7rc/thread/e64bdfef-f92a-4924-85f1-6b858ec81c59
All of the machines in question are Win 7 64Bit Enterprise and are of varying makes and models (ie. Toshiba R700 laptops, whitebox PC’s…). Machines without the recent Windows Update Agent, work just fine with either my WSUS server or MS Update.
I have run KB949104’s FixIt tool and it does find errors, says it repaired them but the problem still exists and if I run the FixIt tool again, it finds the same errors.
This is apparently a known issue Microsoft has a hot fix for. Below is the process I followed based on what the kbase and Microsoft partner support told me:
All of these instructions are to be performed on the WSUS Server.
Even though the hotfix did not say it requires a reboot, MS support was quite clear that it did require a reboot. However, I did not reboot my WSUS server and all is well now 🙂
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Worked for me. Thanks a lot! WSUS errors are always a headache. I've lost several hours fighting with 800B0001 at client site.. and uncle Google gives a lot of different but unrelated solutions for 800B0001. Thanks a lot, once again.
Perfect! You made my day :)
Great ! Solved it !!
Thank you
Wouldn't simply doing a reboot eliminate the need for stopping the listed services?
Certainly a reboot would restart all of the services.
Right after installing the patch I had a prompt to restart the server so looks like it varies
I tried this and it did work for me. I did not have to reboot following the installation of the KB patch.
Thats great so what about 32 bit windows 7 o.s ?
I don't understand the question. Can you ask it with more detail?
Hey Marty, read properly the KB and what is written here... The KB2720211 is for the WSUS SERVER. It is an update for the Windows SERVER Updates Services
I installed the KB270211 on our WSUS server, but it didn't resolve this issue. It seems that KB2734608 does resolve the issue: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w8itproinstall/thread/ed0b0865-ae33-437c-9f64-b5d31f8a0f2f.
Thanks Auke
Thanks KB2734608 resolved it for me
Thanks KB2734608 resolved it for me.
Thanks for the addition :)
Are you trying to run the update on the clients or the server? The article and the KB both indicate that the install must be run on the WSUS server itself, and it sounds like you may be trying to install it directly on the clients receiving the error. The WSUS server is possibly owned, operated, and managed by another individual in your company on whichever team controls the way updates are distributed within your enterprise. I hope this helps in some way!
You were correct. I was be hasty and didn't read everything that I needed to.