Windows Server 2012 Answers

I recently took a full day Windows Server 2012 course and I prep’d for it by installing the Beta and making the following list of questions, which Microsoft staff answereFree Windows Server 2012 eBookFree Windows Server 2012 eBookd at various points during the day:

  1. Q: Can HyperV live migrate without System Center 2012
    A: Yes, just right click on the VM and move it!
  2. Q: Are there any notable changes to Distributed File System (DFS)
    A: No
  3. Q: Is Direct Access (Microsofts automatic VPN technology) simplified under Windows Server 2012
    A: Yes, Dramatically.  An internal Certificate Authority (CA) is no longer required which makes the setup sooooo much easier.
  4. Q: Are there any notable changes to iSCSI
    A: No
  5. Q: Is Security Essentials AntiVirus (now integrated into Windows Defender in Windows 8 ) , also part of Windows Server 2012
    A: No, there is no antivirus or antimalware code in Server 2012
  6. Q: Are there any notable changes to the Windows Firewall
    A: No
  7. Q: Do Hyper-V snapshots really no longer need to have the Virtual Machine (VM) in question, shut down to merge or delete the old SnapShots?
    A: Yes, you can delete and merge snapshots on the fly now
  8. Q: Are the any notable changes to Windows Deployment Services (WDS)
    A: No
  9. Q: Can Server 2012 HyperV see USB devices, like external disks?
    A: Yes (and a big freakin’ ya for the that!).  Since SP1 for Windows Server 2008 R2, this has been possible
  10. Q: Can Hyper-V use Teamed Network Cards
    A: Yes, and now that is support right in the Operating system.  The NIC’s do not even have to be the same brand or even the same speed!!!
  11. Q: Are the any notable changes to NTFS
    A: No
  12. Q: What is “Cluster Aware Updating”
    A: It is UNRELATED to Hyper-V.  If you have two (or more) PHYSICAL Server 2012’s in a cluster, you can right click on them one at a time and select PATCH.  This will keep the servers up and running to the clients when in fact one of the cluster is offline and being patched
  13. Q: Is there a free book on Windows Server 2012
    A: Yes, there is a free ebook from MS Press available here
  14. Q: Is System Center Essentials Dead?
    A: Yes, Essentials is gone