Office365 for Education Is Incredibly Inexpensive and Robust

Microsoft will have Office365 Academic pricing available in Canada and U.S. this summer but does not have a fixed date yet. The pricing is astonishingly cheap; for about $5.50 per month per Office365 live@eduOffice365 live@eduaccount, Education eligible organizations receive the $27 per month corporate package:

  • the FULL Office 2010 suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, OneNote…)
    • free Home use rights for that Office 2010
    • Full email account with as many domains as you want
    • Sharepoint File Sharing
    • Conferencing, Chat…
    • Presence

Until that education service is available, I would use the corporate email package for now at a cost just $4.69 per account per month and webmail only accounts cost just $2.34 each per month.

I have yet to determine what qualifications are required for the Education pricing but I am working on that with Microsoft right now.

Nearly all businesses want to control their own email and that is where services from Office365 come in. is fully web-based and very easy to manage even for “non-computer people” so you have virtually no IT costs. 

  • Microsoft Exchange based email with shared contacts and calendaring, all with a truly amazing webmail that looks and functions just like the desktop version of Outlook
    • Free Microsoft Forefront based antivirus & antispam protection
    • Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, OneNote…)
    • Microsoft SharePoint based file sharing
    • Microsoft Linc based Instant Messaging and Online Meetings

 THIS short video does a good job of explaining the email and meetings features of Office365.   THIS short video does a very nice job of explaining how Office365 SharePoint works and how your file become available to your staff ANYWHERE in the world, ANY time of the day.    THIS video is too ‘salesly’ but does explain just how popular Office365 is, with more than 40 MILLION clients in just over a year. 

All of these services are hosted directly by Microsoft with a 99.9% uptime guarantee from Microsoft.  We changed our Up & Running in house servers to Office365 about two years ago and have not noticed a single minute of downtime. 

We can provide you with a free 30 day trial of Office365 services, just contact us .

Click HERE for the details from Microsoft.

Published by
Ian Matthews