SOLVED: Where is Windows Media Center in Windows 8 and Why Don’t DVD’s Play?

Media Center is an awesome app the Microsoft is stripping from the default install of Windows 8.

Media-Center-Windows-8Media-Center-Windows-8Windows Media Center is not preinstalled in Windows 8 Release Preview. If you want to use Windows Media Center, you need to add it by following these steps:

  1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search.
    (If you’re using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, and then click Search.)
  2. Enter add features in the search box, and then tap or click Add features to Windows 8.
  3. Tap or click I already have a product key.
  4. Enter this product key: MBFBV-W3DP2-2MVKN-PJCQD-KKTF7 and then click Next.
  5. Select the checkbox to accept the license terms and then click Add features.Your PC will restart and Windows Media Center will now be on your PC and the tile will be pinned to the Start screen.

Microsoft has removed the DVD codec (because they had to license it and many people don’t use it) from even the Home versions of Windows 8.  If you want to play DVD’s you have two choices:

  1. Buy the Media Center Add-on, which brings with it a DVD codec
  2. Buy a DVD codec from a 3rd party.  Most OEM’s (like Dell) will likely install one at the factory but if yours doesn’t have it, just Bing/Google for one.