SOLVED: How To Find The 1 Million Free eBooks on Kobo

UPDATED: Sept 1st 2013

If you have heard the hype on the Kobo ereader you know there are supposedly 1 million free ebooks for it.  Where are they? They don’t show up in the Kobo Desktop software.  They are online so just follow this simple process to find those freebees:

MAKE SURE YOU SIGN IN BEFORE doing any of the three below or you will not find any free Kobo ebooks.




Click the FREE EBOOKS link near the top of the page.

As of August 2013 that link goes to

Take note that these instructions apply to INTERNET EXPLORER.  For some reason when you sign in with Firefox it takes you to STORE.KOBOOOKS.COM and not WWW.KOBOBOOKS.COM


  1. Surf to
  2. Search on any key word, like mystery
  3. Then set the ‘filter’ drop down to FREE ONLY
  4. OPTIONAL – set the ‘sort order’ drop down to TOP RATED

THIS search will bring up ab0ut 1800 “mysteries” sorted by their user rating.


View Comments

    • They have changed the system and now all you have to do is log in to and then click the FREE EBOOKS link near the top of the page. I have just updated the instructions to reflect this third option (STILL EASY WAY).

      If these methods don't work for you, you like have not signed in. You need a Kobo account to get free books for the Kobo.

      • As far as I can see the problem is that the Kobobooks site works very differently in Chrome or Firefox from the way it does in Internet Explorer. For example, the Free books link does not exist in the other browsers.

        • Interesting... just tried this with FireFox and with IE and you are right, they do take you to different pages after login. I use and like IE for 99.9% of sites but keep Firefox mainly for testing. What I found was that Firefox takes you to STORE.KOBOBOOKS.COM while IE takes you to http://WWW.KOBOBOOKS.COM after login. The good news is that all I had to do to "fix" Firefox was change the URL to WWWW.KOBOBOOKS.COM and all was well.

          Based on this I have updated the section labeled STILL EASY WAY with a screen shot showing the difference.

    • This worked well for me too! Even though I did it by accident, ;p. I had a whole plethora of free books, until they updated their site, now you go to the free book section, click on a category and the books aren't even free!? How does that make any sense? It doesn't.

  • yes, this is frustrating. You can not browse all categories and find free books that way.
    Instead, you have offered 6 (strange) categories and around 150 free books within them. So, if you are interested in some other categories, which are not listed among those 6, you have to browse by key words. And unless you know exactly what you are looking for, search like that can last ages! Im very dissapointed by this..

    • Just got a kobo ereader and had equal frustration but method at top of this exchange does work well. Tried it using shakespeare and got 3495 items. That would also be a pain to search thru but I got quite a few hits in the first 30 or so items on the complete works so no need to go any further

  • Really...... how do I get the free books? I followed the directions and I got a whole 10 books offered to me - what???????????????

    • They have improved the site and now have a like just for free books:

      I currently only see 165 in the search result but also see the following note:

      Note: 1 million free eBooks will not show up in a single search result.

      So you will need to search on whatever you are interested in.

      I hope this helps.

Published by
Ian Matthews

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