Categories: Business & Tech News

SOLVED: Does the XBox 360, or XBox 360 Slim Have a Gigabit Network Card


All XBox 360 versions, including the Slim, come with a 10/100MB Network Card.

The Microsoft XBox 360 motherboard has had several version changes, just like all long life electronics, usually as a result of manufacturing improvements designed to save money.


XBox 360 Motherboard Hardware Revisions (from the good people at WikiPedia)

Codename CPU GPU HDMI Power Supply In Production Date Released Notes
Xenon 90 nm 90 nm No 203 W No November 2005 Original release.
Zephyr 90 nm 90 nm Yes 203 W No July 2007 Introduced HDMI port
Falcon 65 nm 90 nm Yes 175 W No Late September 2007 Introduced 65 nm CPU. Power consumption lowered.
Opus 65 nm 90 nm No 175 W No June 2008 Available as a replacement for Xenon motherboards which have been sent in to Microsoft repair centers.
Jasper 65 nm 65 nm Yes 150 W No September 2008 Introduced 65 nm GPU. Introduced on-board flash based memory. Further reduced power consumption.
Trinity (Valhalla) 45 nm (combined “Vejle” chip)[26] Yes 135 W Yes May 2010 Motherboard redesign used in the Xbox 360 S (not used in other console versions). Two versions; one with 4 GB on-board storage, one without.
Corona 45 nm (combined chip)[27] Yes 115 W Yes August, 2011 No more HANA Chip; integrated into southbridge. PSU is 9.86A, down from 10.83A – Cannot use Reset Glitch Hack (relied on HANA for timing).
Published by
Ian Matthews