Windows 95 Could In Theory Install on the Memory that is Integrated On The CPU!

New CPU’s have between 4MB and 8MB of Cache Memory on them and that is all that Windows 95 required to run (and you did not even need a CD rom):

System requirements for installing Windows 95:

  • 4 megabytes (MB) of memory (8 MB recommended)
  • 386DX or higher processor (486 recommended)
  • Typical hard disk space required to upgrade to Windows 95: 35-40 MB The actual requirement varies depending on the features you choose to install.
  • Typical hard disk space required to install Windows 95 on a clean system: 50-55 MB The actual requirement varies depending on the features you choose to install.
  • One 3.5-inch high-density floppy disk drive
  • VGA or higher resolution (256-color SVGA recommended)

   Install Option   Disk Space Used After Setup
   Compact          40.8 MB
   Portable         43.9 MB
   Typical          44.2 MB
   Custom           76.2 MB

Published by
Ian Matthews