Another easy, fast but annoying  IT Gag. 

THIS GAG REQUIRES THE USER TO HAVE TWO SCREENS.  If you user has only one, this will not work. 

Display Properties Dual Screen Shift

Most people, even techs, do not remember that every version of Windows since Win95 supports a minimum of 9 screens.  The idea was that you should be able to build a 3×3 screen video wall… and you can if you have enough video cards and monitors.  To make a video wall work you have to be able to tell Windows where the screens are in relation to each other… and we are going to screw with that! 

  1. Get to your computers DISPLAY PROPERTIES. 
    1. This is operating system specific in XP through Vista, you just right click on the desktop and choose PROPERTIES.
    2. In Win 7 you just right click on the desktop and choose SCREEN RESOLUTION
  2. Drag the right screen (usually labeled #2) up or down about 50% of the way or better yet, move it on top of the other screen.
    Display Properties Dual Screen Shift Up and Down


To test your devousness, move the mouse on your buddies computer one screen to another.   Better yet drag a window (say Excel) from one screen to the other… pretty cool eh!

By Ian Matthews – September 19 2010


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